Cy Edmondson

Cy Edmondson

Motivational speaker. A truly a testament to what human beings are capable of if they are determined and pro-active
In 1990, during a school leadership course, Cy fell ill with an unknown virus which attacked his spinal cord. After 3 months in a coma, Cy regained consciousness but had to learn to deal with the heavy burden of being disabled for the rest of his life. He had to re-learn to speak and had to come to terms that he will never walk again. During his stay in hospital, Cy developed a close relationship with his nurse, Wendy Lurie, and married her in 1994. They were informed that having children would be a miracle and probably not possible. Cy and Wendys son Joshua was born in April 1995.

During November 2000, Cys determination and courage was again portrayed when he took the challenge of climbingthe Sentinel Peak in the Drakensburg, defying of the rules of disability and making history.

Cy is described as a leader in the true sense of the word, a motivator, friend, and counsellor, someone who always has the right intentions and goes about achieving maximum results in a sincere and humble way. He is always available and during crises, he is the one on the floor motivating his employees, making them laugh to help them through it.
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Price from: £ 250


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Driving results through people is the key to having a progressive, sustainable organization spend 8 hours on average a day at work, why not make the most of it and have fun
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Leading by example

...Cy continuously looks for ways to innovate and liberate his employees with his "can do" attitude
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Getting back to basics the least you can do.

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